Birding Arizona and Sonora, Mexico
15–27 February 2005
I flew to Phoenix and enjoyed a wonderful visit with
with Russ and Joyce Widner in Cave Creek. We birded that area for two
days. Then Ann Johnson arrived from Iowa and we birded the Tucson area
with Rich Hoyer. On 19 February, Russ, Ann, I, and Bob Cecil and Francis
Moore (from Iowa) drove into Sonora, Mexico through Nogales. We enjoyed
good accommodations, food, and travel adventures for eight days. The
birding was a bit “underwhelming” as to numbers of species (~170), but we
saw some great birds and a few lifers. We had to work for them, however!
Our itinerary was as follows:
Sat., 19 Feb: We stayed at Hotel Playa de
Cortes on the Gulf of California below Guaymas where we birded estuaries
and from the hotel shore, adding lots of shorebirds, gulls, etc. to our
Mexico lists.
Sun., 20 Feb: Just north of Navojoa, we stayed
at Motel El Rancho where we birded along a small stream. We drove south on
Hwy 15 and birded a canal and near a pepper farm east of Juan de la Barrea
and more estuaries just north of the Sonoran border at Agiabampo. Then we
drove inland on Hwy 10 to Alamos.
Mon., 21 Feb: Casa Roberto in Alamos was our
home for the first night. We birded roads and river arroyos around Alamos.
Tues.–Thurs., 22–24 Feb: For the next three
nights, we stayed at the very lovely Rancho Acosta in Alamos. We birded
Rio Cuchujaqui and other arroyos, roads, microwave tower roads, the Alamos
dump, and other likely birdy spots. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in
Alamos including great street tacos and a gourmet dinner at La Aduana.
Fri., 25 Feb: After birding our way back to
San Carlos, we stayed at the Creston Motel where we enjoyed more shore
Sat., 26 Feb: From San Carlos, we headed back
to Phoenix through Hermosillo on Hwy 15, and then followed the Rio Sonora
on Hwys 17, 89, 2, and 80 to the Naco border crossing. The route is a
beautiful hilly, high-desert landscape (~6,000 ft) cut by the Rio Sonora,
with ever-changing flora. We had a delicious lunch specially prepared by
the owner of the El Rodeo restaurant in the little town of Arizpe. We
arrived in Naco only to learn that our Sonora-only car permit had to be
turned in at Nogales! So that meant a trip back to Nogales and re-entry
through that crossing.
Sun., 27 Feb: I spent the day with Russ and
Joyce and their wonderful family, and enjoyed some more of their very
special hospitality including their granddaughter's fifth birthday party!
I flew back to Colorado in the evening.
Click on photo to enlarge.
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Canyon Towhee, 15 Feb, Cave Creek |

Canyon Towhee, 15 Feb, Cave Creek |

Bendire's Thrasher, 16 Feb, near Phoenix |

Bendire's Thrasher, 16 Feb, near Phoenix |

Bendire's Thrasher, 16 Feb, near Phoenix |

Bendire's Thrasher, 16 Feb, near Phoenix |

Burrowing Owl, 16 Feb, near Phoenix |

Curve-billed Thrasher, 16 Feb., Cave Creek |

Curve-billed Thrasher, 16 Feb, Cave Creek |

Gambel's Quail, 16 Feb, Cave Creek |

Gambel's Quail, 16 Feb, Cave Creek |

Gila Woodpecker, 16 Feb, Cave Creek |

Gila Woodpecker, 16 Feb, Cave Creek |

Anna's Hummingbird, 17 Feb, Cave Creek |

Ruddy Duck, 17 Feb, Sweetwater Marsh, Tucson |

Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 17 Feb, Rich Hoyer's yard, Tucson |

Lesser Goldfinch, 17 Feb, Rich Hoyer's yard, Tucson |

Groove-billed Ani, 19 Feb, near Guaymas |

Groove-billed Ani, 19 Feb, near Guaymas |

Yellow-footed Gull, 19 Feb, estuary near Guaymas |

Gray Hawk, 19 Feb, near Guaymas |

Sunset over Gulf of California, from Hotel Playa de Cortes, near Guaymas,
19 Feb |

Looking at Guaymas across bay from Hotel Playa de Cortes, 20 Feb |

Long-billed Dowitcher at edge of swimming pool at Hotel Playa de Cortes,
near Guaymas, 20 Feb |

Brown Booby and Brown Pelican, 20 Feb, Gulf of California, Hotel Playa de
Cortes, hear Guaymas |

Brown Pelican, 20 Feb, Gulf of California, Hotel Playa de Cortes, near
Guaymas |

Brown Pelican, 20 Feb, Gulf of California, Hotel Playa de Cortes, near
Guaymas |

Common Loon, 20 Feb, Gulf of California, Hotel Playa de Cortes, near
Guaymas |

Unknown bird harassing Brown Pelican, 20 Feb, Gulf of California, Hotel
Playa de Cortes, near Guaymas |

Probable Heerman's Gull in center that was harassing Brown Pelican, 20
Feb, Gulf of California, Hotel Playa de Cortes, near Guaymas |

Bougainvillia, 20 Feb, Hotel Playa de Cortes, near Guaymas

Spiny-tailed Iguana, 20 Feb, near Guaymas |

Great Blue Heron, 20 Feb, near Guaymas |

Loggerhead Shrike, 21 Feb, near Navojoa |

Two of several Harris's Hawks hunting together, 21 Feb, near Juan de la
Barrea |

Two more of several Harris's Hawks hunting together, 21 Feb, near Juan de
la Barrea |

Harris's Hawk, 21 Feb, near Juan de la Barrea |

Harris's Hawk, 21 Feb, near Juan de la Barrea |

Rock Squirrel (Citellus variegatus), 21
Feb, near Juan de la Barrea |

Black Skimmer, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

Whimbrel, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

White Ibis, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

Brown Pelican, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

Heerman's Gull, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

Ring-billed Gulls, Yellow-footed Gull, and White Ibis cleaning recently
beached fishermen's boat, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

Heerman's Gull and White Ibis cleaning recently beached fishermen's boat,
21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

More scavengers, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

Ruddy Turnstone, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

Roseate Spoonbills, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

Wilson's Plover, 21 Feb, Gulf of California, near Agiabampo |

White-winged Dove, 22 Feb, along Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Gray Hawk, 22 Feb, along Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Tree Lizard, 22 Feb, along Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Elegant Trogan, 22 Feb, along Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Elegant Trogan looking skyward, 22 Feb, along Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Zebra-tailed Lizard, 22 Feb, along Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Mexican Parrotlets flew in to roost for the night, 22 Feb, Rancho Acosta,
Alamos |

Mexican Parrotlets nearly asleep, 22 Feb, Rancho Acosta, Alamos |

Cypress vine (Iponea quamoclit) in dry
bed of Arroyo El Mentidero, 23 Feb, near Alamos |

Thorn scrub beneath rock formations along Arroyo El Mentidero leading to
Rio Cuchujaqui, 23 Feb, near Alamos |

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron stretching to check us out, 23 Feb, Arroyo El
Mentidero leading to Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron, 23 Feb, Arroyo El Mentidero leading to Rio
Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Birders Ann Johnson, Bob Cecil, Francis Moore, and Russ Widner (shooting
the photographer!), 23 Feb, Arroyo El Mentidero leading to Rio Cuchujaqui,
near Alamos |

Possible Nutting's Flycatcher (did not hear call), 23 Feb, Arroyo El
Mentidero leading to Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Silver Emperor male (Doxocopa laure), 23 Feb, Arroyo El Mentidero
leading to Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Giant Swallowtail, 23 Feb, Arroyo El Mentidero leading to Rio Cuchujaqui,
near Alamos |

Vermillion Flycatcher, 23 Feb, Arroyo El Mentidero leading to Rio
Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Bob overlooking the Rio Cuchujaqui, 23 Feb, near Alamos |

Puddle party of butterflies, Cloudless Sulphurs (large) and Boisduvals
Sulphurs (small), 23 Feb, Arroyo El Mentidero leading to Rio Cuchujaqui,
near Alamos |

Vermillion Flycatcher, 23 Feb, road near Alamos |

Cedar Waxwings, 23 Feb, road near Alamos |

Sinaloa Crow, 23 Feb, near Alamos |

Turkey Vulture, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Eye spots on back of swiveled head of Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, 24 Feb, near
Alamos |

Back view of barred tail of Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

White-fronted Parrot in fig tree, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Small lizard, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Night Snake (Hypsiglena torquata deserticola) (1+ inch diameter)
was under log, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Black-throated Magpie-Jays, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

People mining rock on microwave tower road, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Rock quarry being mined on microwave tower road, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Kapok tree, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Young kapok tree, 24 Feb, near Alamos |

Rancho Acosta, lovely accomodations, 24 Feb, Alamos |

Black Vultures at Alamos dump, 25 Feb |

Crested Caracara, 25 Feb, near Alamos |

Arroyo Cuchujaqui wildlife habitat information, 25 Feb, near Alamos |

Green Kingfisher, 25 Feb, Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Spotted Sandpiper, 25 Feb, Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Bridge over Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Northern Cardinal, 25 Feb, Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron, 25 Feb, Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Black Phoebe, 25 Feb, Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Broad-billed Hummingbird, 25 Feb, Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Opuntia willcoxii, an arborescent prickly pear cactus of the area,
25 Feb, Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Hecho or cardon cactus (Pachycerus pectin-aboriginum), 25 Feb, Rio
Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Shrine, 25 Feb, Rio Cuchujaqui, near Alamos |

Killdeer, 26 Feb, wetlands near San Carlos |

Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Blue-winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, 26 Feb,
wetlands near San Carlos |

Western Sandpipers were numerous everywhere along the coast, 26 Feb,
wetlands near San Carlos |

Puddle ducks, 26 Feb, wetlands near San Carlos |

Rio Sonora along Hwys 17 and 89 NE of Hermosillo, 26 Feb |

Anna's Hummingbird, 27 Feb, Cave Creek |

Saguaro cacti on hills beyond Widner's home, 27 Feb, Cave Creek |

Verdin snitching nectar, 27 Feb, Cave Creek |

Verdin, 27 Feb, Cave Creek |

Verdin, 27 Feb, Cave Creek |

Anna's Hummingbird, 27 Feb, Cave Creek |