Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, OR, with Son Gary Bahr
6–9 May 2012
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8-5912 Son Gary Bahr, Boise, ID, and I birded Malheur NWR, OR, that was
established by President Teddy Roosevelt in 1908. We tallied 100 bird
species. Refuge headquarters; all buildings have these beautiful tile
roofs. Harney Co., OR, 9 May 2012 |

249-5712 Malheur NWR tile roof, Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

6-5912 Owl W where we stayed at Malheur Field Station on the refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 9 May 2012 |

2-5912 Gary in front of Owl W where we stayed at Malheur Field Station on
the refuge, Harney Co., OR, 9 May 2012 |

44-5812 Say's Phoebe that was nesting in very old nest shelf under eaves
of Owl W where we stayed at Malheur Field Station on the refuge, Harney
Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

46-5812 Say's Phoebe that was nesting on very old nest shelf under eaves
of Owl W where we stayed at Malheur Field Station on the refuge, Harney
Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

1-5812 Say's Phoebe nest on very old nest shelf under eaves contained four
warm eggs; Owl W where we stayed at Malheur Field Station on the refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

327-5612 California Quail, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 6 May 2012 |

327-5612 California Quail, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 6 May 2012 |

314-5612 Hammond's Flycatcher, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney
Co., OR, 6 May 2012 |

308-5612 Lewis's Woodpecker playing usual peek-a-boo, Malheur National
Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 6 May 2012 |

305-5612 Lewis's Woodpecker, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 6 May 2012 |

303-5612 Juvenile Belding's Ground Squirrels, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 6 May 2012 |

296-5612 Adult Belding's Ground Squirrel, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 6 May 2012 |

288-5612 Wilson's Phalarope, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 6 May 2012 |

278-5712 Bullock's Oriole, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 7 May 2012 |

267-5712 Bullock's Oriole busily eating insects in the flowering crabapple
tree, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

256-5712 Bullock's Oriole, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 7 May 2012 |

251-5712 Lazuli Bunting, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR,
7 May 2012 |

247-5712 Northern Flicker, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 7 May 2012 |

237-5712 Jackrabbit, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7
May 2012 |

236-5712 Sandhill Crane pair, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney
Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

231-5712 One of three River Otters, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

226-5712 River Otter at den, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 7 May 2012 |

218-5712 Two of three River Otters, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

210-5712 Wind-blown Barn Swallow, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney
Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

197-5712 Horned Grebe, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7
May 2012 |

196-5712 Horned Grebe eyeing insect on water, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

198-5712 Horned Grebe grabbed insect on water, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

199-5712 Horned Grebe eats insect on water, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

191-5712 One of several large predator scat containing fur and bone that
we found on the Center Patrol Road. Presumed mountain lion scat, which
ranger said inhabit the area, or coyote, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

189-5712 One of several large predator scat containing fur and bone that
we found on the Center Patrol Road. Presumed mountain lion scat, which
ranger said inhabit the area, or coyote, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

185-5712 A pregnant mule deer in brush along Center Patrol Road near #189
scat found on road, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7
May 2012 |

183-5712 One of several large predator scat containing fur and bone that
we found on the Center Patrol Road. Presumed mountain lion scat, which
ranger said inhabit the area, or coyote. Scratch marks near this one,
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

179-5712 One of several large predator scat containing fur and bone that
we found on the Center Patrol Road. This is scat with scratch marks beside
it (#183), Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

177-5712 Ring-necked Pheasant trying to hide in brush along Center Patrol
Road, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

174-5712 Cinnamon Teal, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR,
7 May 2012 |

170-5712 Willet, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May
2012 |

168-5712 Willet, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 7 May
2012 |

164-5812 Young buck Mule Deer, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney
Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

158-5812 Sharp-shinned Hawk hunting feeder birds at headquarters building,
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

149-5812 Sharp-shinned Hawk hunting feeder birds at headquarters building,
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

147-5812 One of many Yellow-rumped Warblers, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

145-5812 Yellow Warbler at headquarters, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

144-5812 Yellow Warbler at headquarters, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

131-5812 Nashville Warbler hiding in shrub at headquarters, Malheur
National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

129-5812 Yellow Warbler hiding in shrub at headquarters, Malheur National
Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

109-5812 Eared Grebe in Lake Malheur, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge,
Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

96-5812 One of two Black-crowned Night-Herons at Lake Malheur, Malheur
National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

88-5812 Two of two Black-crowned Night-Herons at Lake Malheur, Malheur
National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

194-5712 Yellow-headed Blackbird, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney
Co., OR, 7 May 2012 |

79-5812 Clark's Grebe resting on Lake Malheur, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

81-5812 Clark's Grebe woke up, Lake Malheur, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

81-5812 Same Clark's Grebe on Lake Malheur, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

77-5812 Lewis's Woodpecker at headquarters, Malheur National Wildlife
Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

64-5812 Flock of stunning American White Pelicans over Lake Malheur,
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8 May 2012 |

50-5812 Song Sparrow, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 8
May 2012 |

36-5912 Single Great Horned Owl nestling in nest under L Malheur bridge
with swallows also nesting, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co.,
OR, 9 May 2012 |

33-5912 Black-headed Grosbeak, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney
Co., OR, 9 May 2012 |

25-5912 Looking up into bat house with bats roosting inside, at
headquarters, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 9 May 2012 |

10-5912 Western Tanager, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR,
9 May 2012 |

9-5912 Western Tanager, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR,
9 May 2012 |

4-5912 Unidentified large snake, likely a Great Basin Gopher Snake,
escaping under concrete step at Malheur Field Station before I could get a
decent photo, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney Co., OR, 9 May 2012 |